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Organics Recycling Charge
Posted on 01/08/2024
Organics RecyclingUnder Hennepin County Recycling Ordinance 13, all cities must require garbage haulers to offer curbside organic/food waste recycling or conduct organized curbside organics collection. Furthermore, according to state law, garbage haulers that have an additional charge for organics recycling must charge all its customers the same, whether or not that customer participates in organics recycling.

Local governments cannot opt out of the state requirement that haulers charge all customers for organics recycling equally, nor do cities control the amount haulers can charge.

The relevant state agency for this requirement is the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). To contact the MPCA, visit, or call 651-296-6300 or 1-800-657-3864.

For more information on Hennepin County’s organics recycling ordinance, contact the Hennepin County Environment and Energy Department at 612-348-3777 or [email protected].

Learn more about organics recycling in Crystal at the Hennepin Recycling Group website.

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